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Maximize Safety This Season: The Best Tips for Driving in Snow for Every Driver

At Trail Tire we want to make sure that everyone stays safe on the winter roads. Driving in snow can be dangerous, especially if you don’t have winter tires. That’s why Trail Tire is here to provide you with the best winter tire selection. Even though installing snow tires can help significantly when you’re driving in the snow, there are more safety precautions that you can take. We’ve compiled a list of tips for driving in snow:

Adjust Your Driving

The most important thing to do when driving in the snow is to adjust your driving habits. It’s important to take your time and adjust your speed to fit the conditions. Snowy conditions can not only mean rough roads but also mean decreased visibility. By adjusting your driving habits, you can keep the roads safer for everyone. These tips for driving in snow are useful for everyone. They are especially helpful for those who are driving in snow for the first time.

Slow Down

First, adjust your speed to fit the conditions. If the roads are slippery, decrease your speed so that you don’t lose traction. Furthermore, remember to increase your following distance. In normal driving conditions, you should stay 4 seconds behind the driver in front of you. In contrast, in snowy conditions, you should increase your following distance to 8 – 12 seconds. Additionally, it’s important to adjust your acceleration and braking times. When driving in snow, you want to make sure to slowly push on the gas and the brake. Always take your time when driving in the snow.

Know Your Brakes

Secondly, it’s important to adjust your braking. Adjusting your braking while driving in snow depends on your brake system. Most new vehicles have anti-lock brakes. These types of brakes won’t lock up if you lose traction while coming to a stop, so it’s important to keep your foot down on the pedal. You’ll feel the brake start to pulsate and this means that your anti-lock brakes are working correctly. On the other hand, if you don’t have anti-lock brakes, you will need to pump the brake if you begin to lose traction while stopping. Pumping your brakes means to push down on your brake and then release and repeat this until you stop. 

What to Do in a Skid

If your vehicle starts to skid, stay calm and avoid panicking. The key is to ease off the gas and resist slamming on the brakes. Steer gently in the direction you want to go, without using the gas or brake. Once you regain control of the vehicle, you can carefully accelerate or apply the brakes again. 

If you begin to slide while turning a corner, ease off the gas and avoid braking. Turn the steering wheel to straighten out the car. 

Sliding on ice can be frightening, but staying calm is essential. Focus on steering in the direction you want to go and avoid reacting abruptly.

Avoid Cruise Control

Avoiding your cruise control when you’re driving in snow is important because cruise control can cause you to lose traction. By staying in control of your speed, you can stay safer on the road. 

Making small adjustments to your driving in the snow will help you get to your destination safely. It will help you stay in control of your vehicle so that you can avoid skidding or sliding. 

Prep Your Vehicle

Prepping your vehicle for winter weather is important. It not only means installing winter tires in the fall but also means packing a winter safety kit. Even something as simple as clearing the snow from the outside of your vehicle can make your commute safer. 

Pack a Safety Kit 

Keeping a winter safety kit in your vehicle can help you get out of troublesome winter weather. Here are some items to always keep in your vehicle in the winter:

  • Collapsible shovel
  • Booster cables
  • Anti-freeze
  • Winter-safe windshield washer fluid 
  • Snow brush and ice scraper
  • Blanket
  • Hand warmers
  • Flashlight
  • Kitty litter or sand

These items will help you get out of deep snow and keep you warm if you are stuck or stranded.

Keep Your Car Clear

Clearing all the snow from your vehicle is essential for your visibility and the safety of those around you. If you leave snow on your roof, it can fly into your line of sight or the person behind you. Leaving snow on your side windows, can block your mirrors and hinder your ability to shoulder check. Overall, clearing all the snow from your roof, windows, and hood will help to keep everyone on the road safe. 

Install Winter Tires

One of the best things you can do to improve your safety on winter roads is to
install winter tires. Driving on summer tires in the snow can be dangerous. Winter tires are designed to stay pliable in temperatures below 7°C. Furthermore, they have deep tread that helps to evacuate snow to maintain traction. On the other hand, summer tires can harden in cold temperature, which makes it more likely for you to lose traction. Summer tires also have a shallower tread so the snow will build up and make you lose traction. Overall, winter tires will improve your traction when driving on snow. If you’re looking for new winter tires for your vehicle, visit your local Trail Tire and our experts will be happy to help.

Check the Forecast

Before you head out on the snowy roads, it’s always a good idea to
check the forecast and road conditions. If you’re planning a highway trip, check the forecast on your entire route so you can prepare for any bad weather. Likewise, when driving in the city, check the road reports so you can plan for any detours due to accidents or stalls. If the roads are ever treacherous, it may be a good idea to delay your trip. Even with winter tires, some weather conditions can make driving dangerous for anyone. All in all, it’s important to plan ahead when you’re venturing out on winter roads. 

Pay Attention 

Finally, it’s always important to pay attention to the road. No matter what type of weather you are driving in, you need to be focused on the road. Never drive distracted. Even Bluetooth calls can be a distraction, so it’s a good idea to set your phone to do not disturb mode when you are driving. In addition, in the winter it’s important to look for black ice. Black ice will cause the pavement to look like new, dark asphalt or look wet. If you see black ice, slow down and avoid hard braking. Winter driving can also lead to hazards on the road. Pay attention to avoid snow drifts and snow piles. Most importantly, watch for other drivers. A driver may lose traction and slide through an intersection or lose the rear of their car, so always be aware. 

When driving in the snow, it’s important to be alert and take your time. Always give yourself extra time to get to your destination so that you can get there safely. Plan by preparing your vehicle for the winter months and checking your route. If we all follow these tips for driving in snow, we can all be safer on the roads. 

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